War Room

War Room

The Globe represents Peers as they are distributed in the whole world. On the left side there are 3 switches:

  • Users - here you can turn off or turn on the visibility of user > density by country. Countries with a lot of Peers are shown in > pink, the ones with some Peers are light blue. If there are no > Peers, the country is shown in dark.
  • Peers - here you also can turn on and turn off the switches to > see Peers that are online or offline.

On the right side of the page we can see the Bazaar statistics.

Available data:

  • Total numbers of Peers and how many Peers were registered in the current week.
  • Total numbers of Resource Hosts (RHs) and how many RH were created in the current week.
  • Total numbers of Environments created and amount of Environments created in the current week.
  • Total amount of registered users, and users registered in the current week.
  • Total amount of products uploaded, and those uploaded in the current week.
  • Current market prices (in GoodWill) for different container types (price for using a Peer’s resources, per hour)

On the right bottom are the statistics of dynamics of user and Peer registration on the Bazaar.