Monitor Peers and Environments

Monitor your components through charts and graphs generated from real-time data. Performance metrics are provided for the CPU, network, memory, and disk of a component.

Use the filters on each tab to select the specific component that you want to view.

  • Peer
    On the Peer tab, select the host and period.
    Monitor peers
    The current P2P status is also displayed beside the filters.
  • Environment
    On the Environment tab, select the environment, container, and period. Monitor environments
  • Management
    On the Management tab, select a period to view the performance of the Console.
    Monitor Management Console

Hover over a graph or chart to view actual figures. The following images are from Peer metrics:

  • CPU - percentage of usage for system and user
    CPU metrics
  • Network - incoming (in) and outgoing (out) data transmission metrics
    Network metrics
  • Memory - cache and other RAM metrics
    Memory metrics
  • Disk - used and total disk space (in GB), with breakdown of usage per directory
    Disk metrics